Examples of Use

Dinner Program

Your program is scheduled for Wednesday evening from 6pm to 9pm.  You will need the basement fellowship hall and the kitchen.  The fee will be for three hours, 3 x $50 = $150 plus kitchen use fee.  But you will also need time to set up the hall and prepare the food – so you anticipate you will need both areas starting at about 3pm.  Anticipated clean up after the event will take another hour.  You will only be charged the fee for the hours scheduled for the event – but you will need to include on the form all the time needed for setup and cleanup, too, so that other events don’t get scheduled too tightly against yours.  In this case you would need to reserve the hall and kitchen from 3pm to 10pm.  


Weddings at our church are a sacred event and we look forward to accompanying you during this joyful and transformative process.  Please contact our office for information about scheduling and planning weddings with our team!

The wedding and reception are to take place on Saturday, between 2pm and 6pm.  You will need the sanctuary, basement fellowship hall and kitchen for four hours.  The fee will be 4 x $50 = $200 plus kitchen use fee.  But you will also need to decorate and set up so, you will need all three of those areas starting at 9am Saturday morning.  Clean up will take another hour and a half after your anticipated 6pm ending time – so you will need all three of those areas (sanctuary, kitchen and fellowship hall) from 9am until 7:30pm.  Please be sure and note these times so that the areas you need don’t get scheduled for something else during that time period.  You will only be charged for the actual time of the event, in this case, four hours.

Craft Fair or Garage Sale

Your event is planned for 9am to 3pm on Saturday.  You will need the basement fellowship hall, the stage, the Builder’s room next to the kitchen, and the kitchen.  The fees for non-church activities would be 6 hours at $50 per hour plus kitchen use fee.  But you will also need to set up the basement and stage on Friday.  Clean up will take a couple of hours after the 3pm closing time on Saturday.  Be sure that you reserve all of these areas for both days – otherwise you may find you will not have access to one or more of the areas until Saturday morning, which will be too late to complete your setup.  Again, you will only be charged for the actual hours of the event.