970-532-2142. secretary@berthoudumc.org

Caring Connections

Address the needs of church members and our community.

The lead person is Linda.

Meeting and Location 1st Wed 9:00 am Church Library

Book Club

Our purpose is to read inspirational books, both fiction and non fiction.

The lead person is Barbara.

Meeting and Location 4th Th 7:00 pm Church Library

Craft Group

Work on crafts, individual or for general needs

The lead person is Sondra.

Meeting and Location  Thur 9:30 am weekly in Church Library


Organize activities which help others, in our community, state, nation and the world.

The lead person is Ric.

Meeting and Location 2nd Tues 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting.

People of Elim

Focuses on increased awareness of spirituality by listening to a variety of music, meditation, and conversation. The group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM. All are welcome to join us!

Prayer Chain

Pray for requests made by email or by a phone call.

The lead person is Barbara.

Spanish Class

The lead person is Barbara.

If interested please call the Church Secretary at 970-532-2142.

United Methodist Men

UMM is a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily His will. Our primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships.

The Berthoud UMM meet for breakfast, fellowship and a devotional. In addition, the UMM participates in various activities throughout the year, such as serving at the Women’s luncheon, sponsoring the Father/Child breakfast, Rally Sunday on Labor Day weekend and the annual Home Harvest Dinner. If you would like to be part of this great group of men or would like more information, come to a meeting.

The lead persons are Ruben and Bruce.

Meeting and Location 3rd Sat 8:00 am Builder’s Room.

United Women In Faith

UWIF is a group of women in the church who focus on missions both local and across the world.  To serve they congregate in groups called circles.  The two circles are the Early Birds and the Hope Circle.   All  women are invited to be part of either circle.  Some of their annual projects include:

  • Prayer and Self-Denial service in March
  • Cook for Father/Child breakfast, April
  • Annual Tomato Plant Sale, May
  • Women’s Luncheon, May
  • Noodle Making, June
  • Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, August
  • Mission Sunday, September
  • Craft and Food Fair, October
  • Thank Offering Service, November
  • Memorial luncheons, wedding receptions and other special events

UWIF Early Bird Circle

Address the needs of church members and our community.

The lead person is Carrie.

Meeting and Location 3rd Sat 8:00 am Church Library

UWIF Hope Circle

Fellowship & study Women of the Bible.

The lead person is Linda.

Meeting and Location 2nd Thur 1:30 pm Church Library

Wednesday Men Workers

Maintain building and grounds. 


The lead person is Skip.

Meeting every Wed 8:30 or 9:00 am at the Church.

Wednesday Women Workers

Prep sanctuary and Sunday school rooms.

The lead person is Carol.

Meeting every Wed 10:00 am at the church Church.