We are an open and loving community, and we love to welcome new people to worship with us.
Feel free to contact us, and please come join us!
Worship is at 10:00AM every Sunday.
From September through May we have Sunday School for youth and children during worship service.
Who We Are
We believe that every person is the object of God’s steadfast love and grace. Therefore, we will love, we will care for, and we will nurture all people as Christ has loved us. We will seek the least and the lost, and we will meet people where they are and encourage them to grow in truth, love, and grace of God. (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9)
Berthoud United Methodist Church has a long and rich history of social justice and inclusion. We continue to spread the love of God to all people, no matter what. We would love it for you to join us.
Deaf Ministries
Berthoud Weekly Surveyor,
March 7, 2024

Our Church History
In 1874 a small group of pioneers established the first religious organization in the Little Thompson Valley. They were a small United Brethren congregation that worshiped in a one-room log cabin until they built a larger brick church at 4th and Turner in 1884. They continued to grow, and built the church on 4th and Mountain in 1904. When they outgrew that building they built an even larger church at 9th and Lake.
The United Brethren Church became the Evangelical United Brethren Church in 1946, and then the United Methodist Church in 1968. While the name may have changed, the congregation’s devotion to loving and serving the local community has not.
We are a mix of young and old; multi-generational families and first generation church goers. We are people who live out our faith in many ways, and feel it is important to have a faith that takes us beyond church. We send people to far away places to do work projects, we make donations to the local food bank, and we serve.
We are a church that remembers we can do all things through the love God has for us, the love we have for God, and the love God encourages us to have for others.